Celebrities Jokes

Hilarious Celebrity Jokes That Will Leave You in Stitches

Celebrity jokes are funny comments or stories about famous people. They often make fun of celebrities’ lifestyles, habits, or things they say and do. For example, a joke might be about how a celebrity is so rich that they use dollar bills as napkins. Or, it could be about how they act in movies compared to real life. These jokes are usually light-hearted and meant to make people laugh without being mean. They show how even famous people can be part of funny situations or say silly things just like everyone else.

Below are a few of the finest jokes regarding famous personalities:

Hollywood Hilarity

Q: Why was the belt a great Hollywood agent?
A: It really knew how to hold things together.

Comedic Cameos

Q: Why did the celebrity bring a ladder to the bar?
A: He heard the drinks were on the house.

Star-Studded Silliness

Q: Why don’t movie stars play hide and seek?
A: Because they always get spotted.

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