Computer Jokes

The Ultimate Collection of Computer Jokes

Computer jokes are funny lines or stories about computers, programming, or tech stuff. They often make fun of computer problems or geeky habits. For example, a joke might ask, “Why was the computer cold?” The answer is, “It left its Windows open!” Another joke could be about why programmers like nature. The answer is, “Because it has no bugs.” These jokes are easy to understand and meant to make people laugh, especially those who use computers a lot or know about programming.

Here are some of the best Computer jokes:

OneNote Wonder

Why did the musician break up with OneNote?
There wasn’t enough harmony!

Teams Triumph

Why did the office workers become a football team?
They were always on Microsoft Teams!

Outlook Optimism

Why does Microsoft Outlook always stay positive?
It’s always looking at the brighter Outlook!

Azure Adventures

Why did the cloud date Azure?
It was looking for a sky-blue relationship!

Share-Point Shenanigans

What’s Microsoft’s favorite meeting place?
SharePoint, because they can always find a common ground!

Edge of Glory

Why did Internet Explorer go to therapy?
It felt replaced by Edge!


How does Bill Gates like to make his presentations?

Excel Exuberance

Why did the cell break up with Excel?
It felt too crowded!

Wordy Warfare

Why did the sentence break up with Microsoft Word?
It felt too corrected!

Windows Woes

Why don’t Microsoft employees get locked out of their homes?
Because they always leave a Window open!

Top Jokes